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WHFoods - Food of the Week: Cauliflower

By Sylvia Egel - Posted on 10 February 2010

Every week The World's Healthiest Foods web page (WHFoods.Org) selects one of 129 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating. This week's pick is ...




The milk, sweet, almost nutty flavor of cauliflower is at its best from December through March when it is in season and most plentiful in your local markets.

Cauliflower lacks the green chlorophyll found in other members of the cruciferous family of vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and kale, because the leaves of the plant shield the florets from the sun as they grow. It has a compact head (called a "curd"), usually about six inches in diameter that is composed of undeveloped flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk.

... read more at WHFoods.Org 


5-Minute Healthy Sautéed Cauliflower

Enjoy the extra flavor and health benefits from combining cauliflower with turmeric for this easy-to-prepare, great-tasting side dish that will complement almost any meal. Turmeric has long been recognized as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, and modern scientific research continues to reinforce the benefits of this tasty spice. One serving of this dish also provides 181% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C, 46% DV for vitamin K, and 33% DV for folate. Enjoy!

... find the recipe at WHFoods.Org
